Buy authentic


from Western Ghats!

keralaspicestore is an Indian online spice shop with base in the main spice growing area in India, the Cardamom Hills in the Western Ghats mountain range in Kerala. keralaspicestore is an initiative to share and sustain the passion for spices.  keralaspicestore selects the finest of the spices from the farms where growing spices is a tradition and a faith. Our commitment to quality and intimacy with purity roots deep into the spirit of Indian spices.  keralaspicestore strive to spread the pleasure of Indian spices throughout the modern world.

Kerala Farm Fresh Spices

Keralaspicestore streamlines the efforts of people working at grassroots with market forces. It helps growers, collectives, and developmental ventures to bring economic and social inclusion. We think we have managed to create a collection of products, from a variety of farmers, that are of the highest quality.

What Do
We Do?

With over 25 major types of spices that are using to cook, you will find everything you are looking for as a tastemaker. Choose from a wide range of options in spices, exclusively handpicked to help you find the best quality available at the lowest prices. It is from the land of spices like Udumbumchola Taluk and Peermadu Taluk of Idukki district of Kerala. Kumily, Vandanmedu, Thekkady, Munnar, and Kattappana are the major places of spice production in Kerala.      keralaspicestore online is an online seller for high-quality spices like cardamom, Pepper, Nutmeg, Clove, tea, coffee, and so on. Here you will be able to buy export quality spices at low prices as collected directly from the farmers at Kumily(Thekkady), Kattappana, and Nedumkandam which are the land of spices. Here we offer all kinds of masalas that can add taste to your favorite dishes and food. We guarantee on-time delivery and the best quality because we are from the land of spices in Kerala!
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